Monday, February 2, 2015

Why Some People Almost Always Get Sucked In By Reframing

Why Some People Almost Always Get Sucked In By Reframing
Reframing is used a lot in NLP. And that could be the understatement of the century.

Actually reframing is used a lot by everyone in everyday life. It's just that through the study of NLP - neuro linguistic programming - that you can learn to become better at it and use it with deliberate intention.

But even more importantly, learning how nlp reframing works can help you avoid being reframed, and therefore "stop people from sucking you in by reframing".


Others spend all their time showing you how to reframe a situation and change how you think.

I think it's worth some time showing you how to avoid being reframed. Because there are people who have great skills in reframing others to do what they want.

And I think it's best when you get to make the choice that's best for you, wouldn't you agree?

Otherwise you end up driving a car you don't like, wearing clothes you don't like, living in a house you don't like And I'm sure you have one or two to add when you think about it.


"Life is not a static thing. The only people who do not change their minds are incompetents in asylums who can't and those in cemeteries Everett Dirksen

Now, we all change our minds at some point. And sometimes it would be better for us to be able to change our minds, rather than be stuck within old thinking processes that really don't work for us.

And it's at those points that we can use reframing to help us out.

I'm sure you've heard that old saying that insanity is when you keep doing what you've always done while expecting a different outcome. Well, reframing can automagically remove you from that old rat wheel and put you on a new track toward getting that better outcome.

So, whether you're being sucked in by others reframing you or, you've become sucked in by your own thoughts that's no longer work for you, it's would benefit you greatly to learn about reframing through NLP Training Online and change your life for the better.

The post Why Some People Almost Always Get Sucked In By Reframing appeared first on Life Potential Developments.



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