Saturday, September 12, 2009

Some Abortions Are More Equal Than Others

Some Abortions Are More Equal Than Others

Not every "choice" is Sisterhood-approved:

In a letter Wednesday, Americans United for Life (AUL) urged House members to "stop a real war on women - sex selection abortions" by supporting the legislation from Rep. Trent Franks (R-Ariz.).

A Republican echoed that line on the House floor.

"This is the ultimate war on women, Mr. Speaker," Rep. Ann Marie Buerkle (N.Y.) said of sex-selective abortion.

"There can be no rights for women if we do not allow them the right to life."

An AUL spokeswoman said the message aims to take back rhetorical ground that has been occupied by Democrats and abortion-rights groups.

"What we're trying to do is hold the left accountable for its own rhetoric," Kristi Hamrick told The Hill.

"The 'war-on-women' language begs the question: in a war, who is dying? Sex-selective abortion kills unborn women."

The pro-abortion crowd is losing, and they're losing badly. The rise of sex-selective abortion in immigrant groups across the West has forced the feminists and abortionistas to confront their own irrational beliefs. If abortion is a procedure no different than the removal of a tumor or an in-grown toenail, then it can be done for any reason or no reason at all. The rhetoric that it's a difficult, emotionally-strenuous decision is ludicrous; nobody feels bad when they have cancer cells removed, why would they feel bad about extracting a fetus? (Fetus is Latin for 'offspring'. The term is correct and in no way implies that it's not a child.) Therefore, the issue of sex-selective abortions shouldn't be an issue, and for some self-destructive retards feminists, it isn't:

The idea that sex-selective abortion ought to represent some kind of grave moral dilemna for feminists is, to put it politely, misplaced. To be a feminist is to fight for the rights of women - real living women. It is not the role of feminists to defend a bundle of cells which might potentially turn into a female. For the same reason, the rather coercive manner in which males get laid throughout much of the animal kingdom is not an issue around which feminists tend to campaign. Feminism, I repeat, is about liberating women within the context of human society. Not a general commitment to all things female, or potentially female.

Feminism is a biological dead-end. Natural selection weeds out people who are unfit both physically and mentally, and feminism comes equipped with a built-in version of that. The irrationality of it is such that they would rather defend universal abortion "rights", even if it means there are millions of fewer women who will grow up to be good little feminists. They have failed to understand the first rule of population growth: you don't kill your offspring. The only way feminism can spread now is through the corrosive influence of a public school education. In the United States, abortion is declining along with public support of it. In Asia, abortion is flourishing, along with feminism. Population growth has plummeted all across that vast continent, most notably in China. In India, tens of millions of Indian girls have been purposefully aborted because they were girls. That will cause massive societal instability thanks to tens of millions of men not having any chance for marriage in their homelands. Does this idea of sex-selective abortion sound like a net positive to "anyone"? Are the minds of feminists so addled that they can't see that abortion was always going to lead to this?

Most of the world is still backwards and crudely "patriarchal" in nature, so they're naturally going to prefer male children to female children. And in China where they can only have one child, they will almost always go for a boy rather than a girl. The off-balancing between the sexes is dangerous and a recipe for disaster. Abortion was always a grievous mistake to allow, but now that it's being used to purposefully create a youth shortage "and" a girl shortage, its horrendous effects are being felt across the entire world. The "war on women" is not when abortion is outlawed, it's when it's taken to it's logical end-point: the mass murder of tens of millions of girls by primitive cultures. The Republicans hate women? Don't make me laugh, not when there are cultures out there actively taking out there anti-girl beliefs on unborn children.



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