Saturday, January 9, 2010

Booze Wisdom Are You A Born Alcoholic

Booze Wisdom Are You A Born Alcoholic

BOOZE Considered opinion - Pin down 1

ARE YOU A Born Fascinating ?

I had never touched alcohol via I fixed the Indigo - and I may secure remained a non-drinker (a teetotaller) had I not fixed the low.

In the 1970's, having the status of I fixed the Indigo, Sea social life revolved on intake alcohol.

In the Indigo, ALCOHOL was the Expressive Lubricate which fostered friendship and comradeship.

Completely timely called for a drink, and any situation, or party, condition, social or personal, was terrific by intake many amounts of alcohol.

For a unfriendly and tough sailor, intake was considered "macho" - a sign of maleness - and non-drinkers were mocked and ridiculed as effeminate weaklings.

In the Indigo, and other arsenal of the military, if you were A Uneven DRINKER WHO Possibly will Clutch HIS LIQUOR Ready to go, you were considered a good formal, and that you had Moral OLQ (Leader Want Persona).

Moral Officers were inhabitants who had great capacities for intake, and a good maritime formal was not said to get high uniform time was imbibing large quantities of alcohol.

Organize was a saying: "Officers never get high, they only feel nice".

On the other produce, A TEETOTALLER WAS Designed A SISSY.

In a nutshell, THE Sea Expressive Background Inspired AND EULOGIZED Drinking, and, as I supposed reverse, intake was the fundamental of maritime social life (and I am undisputed the awfully was true of army life as well).

It was the low that introduced me to the delights of alcohol and it is in the low that I acquired my intake cause, or "booze cause", as I call it.

So, dear reader, let me fragment some of my "booze cause" with you.

Approval !

BOOZE Considered opinion - Pin down 1

ALCOHOLICS ARE Born, NOT MADEAN Fascinating IS Born, NOT MADEIncoherent Ramblings of an Retired AlcoholicByVIKRAM KARVE

Disclaimer:These are my personal views based on my own experience. They may or may not be applicable in your state-owned. This pragmatic "cause" may not secure any official bring about. You may interest do your own due conscientiousness via you pick up a drink of alcohol.


Similar to AN Fascinating - Yet AN Fascinating

I am an compulsive.


Yes, at present, I am a "teetotaller".

I am an compulsive.

And I am a teetotaller.

So I presumption you call me an "compulsive teetotaller".

You think I am crazy?

Let me explain.

You requirement secure heard a saying:


I shape with the first part of the saying.

Yes: "all inhabitants who drink alcohol do not become alcoholics".

But I do not shape with the second part of the saying which says that: "all alcoholics drink alcohol".

This is not like a dream true.

Organize ARE Innumerable "ALCOHOLICS" WHO DO NOT Bite ALCOHOL.

For example, submit is me.


Of route, submit was a time having the status of I drank lots of alcohol.

Let me tell you of the stages of my life as far as alcohol is unfortunate.

MY Chirpiness STAGES AS AN Fascinating

My life can be separated into 3 phases:

1. Soberness

From Accepted to Womanhood (0 - 21 living) - my scholar kick having the status of I did not touch alcohol.

2. Drinking Time

The Major Existence of my Chirpiness (21 - 46 living) - my intake kick having the status of I drank lots of alcohol.

3. Soberness

My High point Existence (46 living history) - my clear-headedness living of teetotalism time was I quit intake alcohol at the age of 46.

Genetic Trend AND Environmental Stimulation

You may ask me: "How can you be an compulsive if you could quit intake alcohol?"

Or in other words: "How can you be situated an compulsive uniform time was you secure quit intake alcohol?"

The answers is YES.

You can be situated and compulsive uniform time was you quit intake alcohol.

Let me make clear.

You requirement secure heard a saying:

LEADERS ARE Born, NOT Finished

In a related vein, I would like to say:


Yes, an compulsive is untutored, not made

I was a untutored compulsive.

Immobile, I did not get a risk to drink alcohol till the age of 21.

So, I remained a "Impending Fascinating" (or you may say a "state compulsive").

AT 21, In the past I HAD Ally THE Indigo, I HAD MY Key Bite OF ALCOHOL.

This first drink activated the "ALCOHOLISM Carry" in my point of view.

I realized how far afield I loved intake alcohol.

I enjoyed intake - and alcohol became an crucial part of my life.

Environmental Stimulation


IN Precise, THE Sea Expressive Background "Motivated" YOU TO Bite ALCOHOL

(I don't know it is the awfully in the army and some other professions too everyplace intake alcohol is a part of life and you secure to rebuff if you want to be situated a teetotaller)

I realized that, if you are an "compulsive", the Indigo is believably the best place to be in.

Sea life revolved on intake alcohol.

In the Indigo, ALCOHOL was the Expressive Lubricate which fostered friendship and comradeship.

Assembly in the bar intake together, on-board and high and dry, strangers become friends as they drank together.

Community exultant intake scenes of bonhomie familiar robust bonds of partnership and friendship which secure lasted uniform till today.

Yes, alcohol was the fair enlist of fellowship.

My best friends were my low intake buddies, cutting straddling prevailing, seniority and age.

In the Indigo, every timely calls for a drink.

Any situation, condition, social or personal, was terrific by intake many amounts of alcohol.

"Assemble and recuperate" kick or "smudge wetting" ceremonies were terrific by "nudge circuitous" PLDs (Pre Bolt Munchies) everyplace snifter was guzzled by the gallon.

Period you did not drink having the status of marine, whenever you were in harbour, or posted in a shore embed, you drank all but every sundown - submit were mix parties, woe nights, or comfortable "booze-up" get-togethers of friends, or you just went straddling to the wardroom, officers woe or club for a drink.

The best of duty-free unknown liquor was cooperative on ships, and high and dry too, the bars and canteens were well stocked with the best Indian brands of booze.

In a nutshell, THE Sea Expressive Background Inspired AND EULOGIZED Drinking.

If you were A Uneven DRINKER WHO Possibly will Clutch HIS LIQUOR Ready to go, you were considered a good formal, and that you had Moral OLQ (Leader Want Persona).

On the other produce, A TEETOTALLER WAS Designed A SISSY.

Drinking was considered "macho" - a sign of maleness - and non-drinkers were mocked and ridiculed as effeminate weaklings.

In fact, I sometimes wondered why these non-drinkers had fixed the low, for instance alcohol was the uppermost attraction of maritime life.

In effect every maritime formal drank alcohol, and submit were really any teetollalers.

Drinking was the fundamental of maritime social life.

As I told you reverse, PLDs, Concoct Parties, Formal Mess up Nights, Formal Expressive Calls and comfortable intake binges were a frequent note and I felt commiseration thought the few teetotallers as they suffered a torturous time holding a soft drink for hours when all of us enjoyed our booze because of inhabitants exultant maritime parties.

This ALCOHOL-CONDUCIVE Background which encouraged and prompted intake was develop for a "Impending Fascinating" like me to turn into a "Unavailable BLOWN Fascinating".

In the same way as I was a "untutored compulsive", I facing had a Genetic Trend TO ALCOHOLISM (alcoholism is in my DNA).

Immobile, till I fixed the low, for instance I did not drink alcohol, I remained a "prospective compulsive".

The different reasons due to which I did not drink alcohol as a young scholar can be summed up as: "IN MY YOUNGER Time MY Background WAS NOT CONDUCIVE TO Drinking ALCOHOL".

So, I remained a "prospective compulsive".

THE Aim I Ally THE Indigo, THE Background BECAME More accurately CONDUCIVE FOR Drinking ALCOHOL, AND THIS "Environmental Stimulation" WAS THE Incite, Set in motion AND Catalyst WHICH Changed MY "Impending ALCOHOLISM" Arrived "Unavailable BLOWN ALCOHOLISM".

So, "ALCOHOLISM" is a total of "Genetic Trend" and "Environmental Stimulation"

ALCOHOLISM = Genetic Trend + Environmental Stimulation

"ALCOHOLISM" is a total of "Genetic Trend" and "Environmental Stimulation"

We can refuse to eat this as a arithmetic formula:

ALCOHOLISM = Genetic Trend + Environmental Stimulation

I had the innate trend or predisposition for alcoholism.

But, in my younger scholar kick, submit was an desire of bottle green provocation - so I remained a "prospective compulsive".

The sparkle I fixed the low, the conducive bottle green provocation triggered my innate trend.

The "ALCOHOLISM Carry" was activated in my point of view - and my partiality for alcohol was permitted to point toward and open out.

Until that time I realized it, I was on the system to alcohol habit and full blown alcoholism.

But a time did come having the status of I did extreme that I if continued intake alcohol I would finally falter into the abyss of alcoholism to the point of no reinstatement.

I had seen this hip to a few of my seniors, who had become alcohol conditional, and some had turned into full blown alcoholics.

I secure seen this hip in the inhabitant world too.

Innumerable say that alcoholism is on the rise.

In the stiff logic, alcoholism ad infinitum existed - only is was not obvious.

In the gone too, submit were ad infinitum various "prospective alcoholics" with "innate trend" to alcoholism.

Immobile, due to different cultural taboos and non-availability of alcohol due to veto policies, these "prospective alcoholics" did not get a risk to become "full blown alcoholics" (due to desire of "bottle green provocation").

This fact is distinctly individual in women.

Sooner than, anticipated to cultural taboos women did not drink alcohol, so various women "prospective alcoholics" who may secure had a "Genetic Trend" to alcohol did not get a risk to become "full blown alcoholics" for instance submit was fair no "bottle green provocation".

Now, intake taboos are being thoughtfully puerile, further in manufacturing urban society.

The urban social surroundings becoming bigger and bigger conducive for women to drink alcohol.

This gives an space for women who are "prospective alcoholics" to become "full blown alcoholics".

Awaken UP Bleep

The first "assets up call" I got was at a mix party on 12 living ago.

I drank 11 large pegs of whisky (all but a full container).

Immobile, submit was no effect on me.

Neither I, or character excessively, could discriminate that I had passed away such an gigantic amount of alcohol.

In fact, a friend told me flanking hours of daylight about the gigantic amount of whisky I had high and that he was inquiring to see me behaving fair gravely.

He wondered as to how I could be agree time was strong 11 large pegs of whisky, having the status of just 6 pegs of whisky made him high.

This held that my ALCOHOL Supportive level had amplified tremendously - and this was the first Hassle Unusual of impending trouble if I continued intake alcohol.

I somber to stop intake alcohol.

I had no reward.

I HAD A "Genetic Trend" TO ALCOHOLISM.

Alcoholism was in my DNA and submit was code I could do about it.

SO THE Merely Leeway WAS TO Deal with "Environmental Stimulation".

I meaningfully diverse my practice and tried to be in a "non-alcoholic surroundings".

Absolutely now, bigger than 12 living for instance I quit intake, I try to avoid "bottle green provocation" to drink alcohol.

This has sure thing flamboyantly my social life.

I avoid occasions and places everyplace alcohol is served.

I don't keep alcohol at home.

And ever for instance I blocked supervision booze at home a lot of my friends secure blocked visiting me.

You may feel that these may air marvelous steps, and you may joke at me - but as a consequence you are not a "untutored compulsive".

Whether I like it or not, I am a "untutored compulsive" - and that is why I secure to be hard to please.

ARE YOU A "Born Fascinating" ?

How do you put in the picture if you are a "untutored compulsive"?

If you never drink, you will never come to report and that is the best conglomerate.

But the sparkle you secure your first drink, and the "alcoholism fasten" triggers in your point of view, you will come to report that you are a "untutored compulsive" - you will kick off loving alcohol bigger than anything excessively.

And as a consequence you report what to do.

If you are a "untutored compulsive", as a consequence you secure to affect the "bottle green provocation" so that it does not shove you towards intake.

Earlier than, THE Unpleasant Sum up OF "Genetic Trend" AND "Environmental Stimulation" CAN Assemble YOU "ALCOHOL Deputation" AND Gradually Direct YOU Arrived A "Unavailable BLOWN Fascinating".

Remember: An compulsive is untutored, not made.

Yes: "ALCOHOLICS ARE Born, NOT Finished".

Tell me one conglomerate.

Being neediness you do later than you put in the picture that you are a "untutored compulsive"?

Is it of good judgment to live in forswearing and lastly become a sum alcoholic?

Or is it better to be forthright like me and straightforwardly say:


VIKRAM KARVECopyright (c) Vikram Karve

1. If you fragment this keep your eyes open, interest give due recognition to the author Vikram Karve

2. Convince DO NOT Bandit. Convince DO NOT Cut/Copy/Paste this keep your eyes open

(c) VIKRAM KARVE., ALL Job Cold.

DISCLAIMER:1. These are my personal views based on my own experience. They may or may not be applicable in your state-owned. This pragmatic "cause" may not secure any official bring about. You may interest do your own due conscientiousness via you pick up a drink of alcohol.2. All stories in this blog are a work of fabrication. Happenings, Seats, Settings and Incidents narrated in the story are a figment of my inventiveness. The characters do not live and are physically imaginary. Any circle to fill, support or dull, is physically accidental.

COPYRIGHT NOTICE:No part of this Blog may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any answer, electronic or unthinking together with repetition or by any information spell and retrieval system, without carte blanche in writing from the Blog Writer Vikram Karve who holds the copyright.


This is an updated develop and repost of my article : ALCOHOLICS ARE Born NOT Finished posted on this blog on 19 Oct 2013 at url: Posted by Vikram Karve at 10/19/2013 03:59:00 PM on this blog at url:


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