Monday, November 12, 2012

How Leadership Failure Is Dating Failure For Men

How Leadership Failure Is Dating Failure For Men
Good Leader, Bad Leader. One I would follow and one I would laugh at when he says pivot!

Surprise, surprise. Women want us men to be leaders on dates, even in this independent-women, Beyonce/Miley/Jennifer Lawrence post-modern age. Consider what many women find seriously unattractive on a first date:

You mindlessly ask her, "Where should we meet?" or "What do you like?"

You follow "her" suggestions for the date "without any opinion".

You are stubborn about following your plans "no matter what, despite her discomfort."

You are deathly quiet with her and don't express much at all about anything.

You don't take care of the check on this first date.

A stranger bumps into her in a rude way, but you don't speak out and defend her.

You don't take her hand while crossing a street or walking around a crowd.

You don't call her to see if she arrived home safely.

These aren't just failures in dating but also in leadership. One way to define a good leader is to ask, "Is anyone following him?" If the young, attractive female person doesn't want to be with you, then you may have not been a good leader to her.

Taking the baton from the idea above, one lesson for both leaders and dating men is to "make it difficult to NOT be with you."

I often advise guys to ditch the traditional dinner date and go with something simple and sweet, like hot chocolate, cappuccino, tea, ice cream, cheesecake, cupcakes, pastries, etc. Go on Yelp, find the very best of each venue in your town, and keep them in your notes. You now have a go-to list for first dates, all of which women generally cannot resist. Pick one you like yourself. For myself, I strongly, strongly prefer cheesecake.

My simple date request would then go like, "You wanna meet me for cheesecake this Saturday afternoon? It's this tiny corner place but has been around forever, "has never failed me. A traditional dinner date might be long, dry, and fatally awkward with no room for escape until the meal is over. But sharing a slice of heavenly dessert presents itself too difficult to reject for most single women. Plus, it's cheaper than dinner and takes less time, too. Hell, I would go on a dude-date over cheesecake, even though I'm not into dudes.

So remember. A good man on a date is not much more than being a good leader, making sure it is easy for her to be with you. You don't have to be Richard Winters from Easy Company, because this isn't Bastogne. It's dating and the woman, when treated right, will follow you.
Don't give me the palm, dude. I will have cheesecake with you regardless.

The post How Leadership Failure is Dating Failure for Men appeared first on Just Call Her.



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