Thursday, April 17, 2014

Accelerating Your Conscious Evolution With Nlp

Accelerating Your Conscious Evolution With Nlp
There is a golden rule of conscious evolution. "Do unto others and unto yourself whatever is the highest and best action you can perceive." You can give to others only what you give to yourself. And you need to look after yourself in order to be able to look after others. Learning the skills of conscious evolution will sustainably improve your wellbeing in a way that more stuff, or more money, will not. So what is conscious evolution? And what exactly are these skills? To be conscious is to be aware of what we are doing. This is different to running on autopilot, where we spend much of our lives. Evolution is a process of movement to higher, more complex and more functional ways of being. The evolution of life has taken us in a different direction to entropy, the tendency to breakdown. Conscious evolution is using our awareness to accelerate our development into higher, more complex and more functional ways of being. The earliest humans evolved some 200,000 years ago, language and religion evolved some 50,000 years ago, the earliest civilizations some 10,000 years ago and the scientific enlightenment some 500 years ago. It looks like there is a direction and purpose to these evolutionary processes, and they are accelerating. Some of our influential thinkers on this include James Redfield, 'The Celestine Prophecy', Barbara Marx Hubbard, 'Conscious Evolution', Duane Elgin, 'The Awakening Earth', and Neale Donald Walsch, 'Conversations with God'. One common theme to their thinking is that as a species, we are in our adolescence. We are not done growing up yet. This fits well with Clare Graves', 'Spiral Dynamics' and Ken Wilber's work on the stages of consciousness, 'Integral Psychology'. In these stages of consciousness, some 40% of the population in Western countries are at early stage adulthood, characterised by a tendency to over simplistic black/white thinking and beliefs. 30% are at mid stage adulthood, broadly more rational and complex thinking and beliefs, but still with a quite materialistic value system. These good folk run our organisations. Around 10% of the population are at late stage adulthood. This stage is characterised by a value system that is more focussed on people values, wellbeing for one and all, including the natural world. These people are motivated by their own development, and that of others. They are the influencers, and significant new trends emerge from them. Beyond this lie the 3 stages of transpersonal development, consisting of maybe 1% of the population. Early stage transpersonal is characterised by transformational practices, like meditation, altered states of consciousness, and letting go of the ego. When I am training NLP I have noticed that most of the students seem to be in the transitions from mid to late stage adulthood. What this means in practice is that they are learning to love and accept themselves through increasing their awareness of how they relate to themselves. This is where all the nitty-gritty NLP skills come in - outcome thinking, internal dialogue, resource states, meta-model, changing limiting beliefs, etc, and the practices, like daily journaling, that embed the changes. This accelerates internal evolution and leads directly to all the benefits that students report, and our research has verified, such as greater wellbeing, improved relationships and more experience of choice than most students believed was possible. Remember the golden rule of conscious evolution? "Do unto others and unto yourself whatever is the highest and best action you can perceive." We are talking here about love - a word that is very sloppily used in our culture. One of my favourite definitions is M Scott Peck's, in 'The Road Less Travelled'. Love is 'the will to extend one's self for the purpose of nurturing one's own and another's spiritual growth.' He goes on to clarify five characteristics of love: * Love requires spiritual intention (a higher purpose) * The more you give love, the more it comes back to you * It requires that you love yourself first * It is not easy, and takes effort * It is active - love is as love does There is also a definition of love from the East: "Love is a bird with two wings - compassion and wisdom." Compassion is the most elevated state of the heart and wisdom is the most elevated state of the mind. They must come together for love to happen. This transition from mid to late stage adulthood involves making a giant leap in Emotional Intelligence and it can only be done one small step at a time. Hence the importance of the know-how - the practical skills (NLP etc), and the regular application across time - the daily practices. By using your conscious mind to accelerate your personal evolution over the course of a Practitioner or Master Practitioner training, you can move to the next stage of your being. I believe most students will move on roughly one of Wilber's stages of consciousness over a training course. I weave this material into all our courses. In the transition to the transpersonal, Spiritual Intelligence comes to the fore. I like Cindy Wigglesworth's definition of Spiritual Intelligence as: "The ability to behave with wisdom and compassion while maintaining inner and outer peace regardless of the circumstances." A big thank you to Cindy for much of this material, inspired by her DVD 'Conscious Evolution'.I post one tweet every weekday with ideas to inspire and support your conscious evolution. If you are not already signed up, and would like to try this, check out twitter. One of our best hopes for the future may be to have more of us evolve faster. To your highest and best. Image by Caveman Chuck Coker The post Accelerating your Conscious Evolution with NLP appeared first on JSnlp.


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