Monday, April 25, 2011

Instiz Brave Journalists Share Girl Group Sponsor Stories

Instiz Brave Journalists Share Girl Group Sponsor Stories


INSTIZ: 'Brave Journalists' episode on girl group sponsors

Let's find out about girl group sponsors. As you all know by now, they're extremely rich men! They have enough wealth and power to work some back stringers that can get people onto TV shows and such. They have hundreds of thousands in wealth, and most are personal businessmen, own real estate, or are just flat out chaebols.

These days, sponsors and celebrities will enter into a written contract for a specified period of time where they'll provide what each other needs. There are even sponsors that can help bring in more connections.

When new groups debut, it's usually only one member that receives the spotlight. That's been the trend of the industry for a while now. There's one group where one member in particular has unrivaled popularity in CF and acting offers - let's call her 'A'.

A used to have a sponsor who even helped her release her own solo album that hit total daebak, which made the other members jealous. One of the jealous members was 'B'.

B ended up joining one of A's meetings with her sponsor and drank together. B then purposely seduced A's sponsor and succeeded in getting him interested in her. Eventually, A lost her sponsor to B and B received a chance to have her own solo album funded by him.

The album ended up failing, though. Not just fail, but absolutely fail! A and B aren't on good terms anymore.

Another famous girl group member A has also been rumored to be in a relationship with a composer, which made another member B get jealous.

B also seduced that composer and finally succeeded in getting him to date her for a year. Unfortunately, the composer left her for another member C... and they are still dating today.

(Shin Dong Yub tries to fish for hints to guess who the group could be, asking if there are two other members in the group. He then asks if they're known for exposing their legs or their waists on stage)

They expose both areas and they're a girl group that really shows off their sexy beauty. All members, by the way, are adults.




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