Saturday, October 29, 2011

Tdotpickup November 5 2013 Getting Into State

Tdotpickup November 5 2013 Getting Into State
Getting into state.

Here is a routine which is better than no routine to get you into state.... unfortunately the #1 way to get into state is to SOCIALIZE or better yet GET REJECTED or basically do your first approach and go for the number soon!

Here are just some ideas or schools of thought to get you into state.

1. Gratitude, appreciate where you've come so far in your life, living arrangements, your business. Look at how far you've gone, things you've tried and failed, but did great work and are proud of yourself for exploring your options.

Including appreciation of your great and happy conversations with strangers.

2. Think of a time when you failed(or got rejected) but eventually got success. Basically times where you persevered.

Maybe with jobs, maybe with your business, maybe with a workout or nutrition regimen.,

3. How are you superior to these girls. This may be an eyeopener for some people. You are better, smarter?..etc

4. Why would these women date you?

Looks? Body? Wits? Humour? You're a good cook, amazing with directions..etc...etc

5. "You're best friend was once a stranger"

6. Realize your strengths. In my case I am usually pretty good at doing what I say I'm going to do.



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