Monday, February 22, 2010

Five Reasons Hypnosis Helps You Lose Weight

Five Reasons Hypnosis Helps You Lose Weight
I lost 25 pounds in 2009. And like most women, I had gained it all back within a year. Then, I decided to use hypnosis to change my eating habits. I knew I had to reprogram my mind to think differently about sugar and refined carbs so that they didn't mean the same thing to me anymore. I asked myself, "What does a naturally slim person think about those foods?". People who are naturally slim don't feel deprived when they don't eat sugar and refined carbs. They look at those foods with a lack of interest or even disgust. I dieted again in 2011. This time I used hypnosis to give myself an aversion to sweets and refined carbs. Today, three years later, I am still down 25 pounds. Believe me, it's easier than you think! As many of you can relate, weight loss is not an event. It is a journey. And despite that we have an overload of information out there in books, online, and with the help of experts like Dr. Oz, weight loss is still a huge struggle and the weight loss programs and supplements are a multi-million dollar industry. The good news is that once you have a system for identifying and clearing the hidden barriers to weight loss and sustaining that weight loss, you can live naturally slim for life I have always wondered why none of the companies like Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, Medi-Weigh Loss or Lindora don't add hypnosis to their regimen for weight loss. The research clearly shows fantastic results. An analysis of five weight loss studies reported in the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology in 1996 showed that the "... weight loss reported in the five studies indicates that hypnosis can more than double the effects" of traditional weight loss approaches. Read more about the clinical proof hypnosis helps for weight loss here.... What the research summaries don't tell is how hypnosis works to help you lose weight faster and keep it off longer. Here are the top 5 reasons hypnosis can help you lose weight and keep it off: 1.It helps you lower your stress and cortisol levels: High levels of cortisol in the body can cause weight gain and impede weight loss. Daily use of hypnosis is an easy way to fit de-stressing into your day! I call hypnosis the best kept secret for the modern edge woman who is busy and without enough time. Daily use of hypnosis, as it de-stresses you, can also lower your cortisol levels and help you sleep better. 2.Eliminates inner resistance to making dietary and habit changes. You logically know what you need to change about your eating habits but logic alone won't overcome deep seated eating habits. Hypnosis can help you to eliminate food cravings for sugar and refined carbs. This is a huge step towards becoming and staying naturally slim! Once you don't care about the foods that cause weight gain, the battle is over and you are free!3.Helps you to break the habit of emotional eating. Many women, and some men, emotionally eat. It is a reward, a treat, a way to self-soothe. This is a powerful and opposing force when it comes to losing weight. Hypnosis can help you to separate out food from emotions. This is key to lasting weight loss and living life as a naturally slim person! 4.Retrains your mind to eat to fuel the body instead of living to eat! In this session, I hypnotize you to stop overeating and eat to fuel your body. I also give you suggestions for a "hypnotic gastric bypass" which is much easier on your body and on your wallet! 5.It helps you to clear your hidden barriers that cause self-sabotage. Old subconscious beliefs and programming are like hidden software in your brain computer. You know logically how you want to think and behave in regards to food and exercise. Hypnosis is one of the few things that can help you to identify and clear the hidden barriers to natural and lasting weight loss so that you can stop the self-sabotage and behave like a naturally slim person.



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