Wednesday, February 10, 2010

More Juicy Information From Affinitas Gmbh Balance Report

More Juicy Information From Affinitas Gmbh Balance Report
I HAD TO Create ALL THAT Testimony TO Dispatch TO Municipal Control (ARGENTINEAN National Control, CYBERCRIMES Taste)

Engross read before:

Affinitas GmbH. will opening in Canada and South Africa shortly ?

BIG Wounded from Grow rapidly Internet mime era

ZALANDO IPO? 7 childish articles on paper 14 FEB 2014

Live in leftovers Affinitas GmbH. fiscal blind date 2012 and others

Monetary Testimony Affinitas GmbH.

Monetary statements for 2012 fiscal year:

Net bereavement for 2012, Euros 5.8 Million and net bereavement for 2011, Euros 9.2 Million

Return Euros 41 Million in 2012, and Return Euros 35 Million modish 2011

The best from head to foot safekeeping items are publicity costs to attract new clientele. Mainly, it involves test and online publicity public relations.

Promotion Official group were Euros 34.9 Million modish 2012 and Euros 34 Million modish 2011.

Recruits expenses: Euros 7,993,443.22

Euros 7,993,443.22 / 331 workforce == Euros 24,149 average almanac salary compensated per offer.

The income, by the employer's share a house of income and social lookout for Path Team modish 2012 amounted to Euros 377,774.24.

Amount was signed by Oliver Samwer from Grow rapidly Internet GmbH.

Up to 31 Dec 2012, -5.851.971 Euros (Net bereavement = Jahresfehlbetrag)

Up to 31 Dec 2011, -9.223.494 Euros (Net bereavement)

Up to 31 Dec 2010, -13.607.040,22 Euros (Net bereavement)

Up to 31 Dec 2009, -6.347.373,25 Euros (Net bereavement)

Up to 31 Dec 2008, -82.399,41 Euros (Net bereavement)

They had been keen at a bereavement since 2008, since they were established!

My bet: they had operated at a bereavement pour out 2013 and still operates at a bereavement modish 2014.

I too unsavory no one of the cloned companies by Samwer Bros. are in a minute beneficial or sustainable for the plus 5 go, to until 2019 at least; and as they will not be able to sell to the individual company they had copycatted, as they bungled to sell Affinitas GmbH. to eHarmony Inc. pour out Hike 2012 and as the Path Team can not innovate in nothing such as they are not entrepreneurs, they will go down. All cloned companies firm like tizzy.

Sign obtained from:

thus search for Affinitas

and open the file

Affinitas GmbH Berlin


Jahresabschluss zum Gesch"aftsjahr vom 01.01.2012 bis zum 31.12.2012

(Monetary statements for the financial blind date from 01.01.2012 to 31.12.2012, filed pour out 31 Distinguished 2013)

A~no fiscal 2012

Informaci'on financiera de Affinitas GmbH. que opera en Espa~na el sitio de contactos personales denominado eDarling

eDarling es Espa~na ha sido reportado como una empresa de Internet con actividad fraudulenta seg'un varias opiniones de usuarios en diferentes foros de opiniones, ver:

Path Sand / joyful

1 Visitors and Functioning Kind.

2 Thorough Commercial Move on.

3 Ruthless Post.

4 Developments in the financial blind date.

5 Arrival.

6 Monetary.

7 Buy Mail.

8 Extra Sand.

9 Stomach, opportunities and risks of proposed expansion.

10 Put newspaper writing on the use of financial instruments.

Net bereavement to 31 Dec 2012, -5.851.971 Euros

P'erdida operativa al 31 de Diciembre de 2012, Euros 5.851.971

Long forgotten leftovers sheets (2008, 2009, 2010, 2011), show they had been keen at a bereavement since 2008, since they were established!

Otras hojas de leftovers de los a~nos 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 muestran que la empresa siempre oper'o con p'erdidas desde que fue fundada en 2008.

"Die Affinitas GmbH konnte im Jahr 2012 ihren erfolgreichen Wachstumskurs fortsetzen und ihre Umsatzerl"ose gegen"uber dem Vorjahr von TEUR 35.325 auf TEUR 41.462 um 17 % steigern. Grund der positiven Umsatzentwicklung sind eine deutlich verbesserte Vermarktung der Dienstleistung in bestehenden M"arkten sowie die Boost in Nord- und Osteuropa und S"udamerika."

tone Return EUROS 41 MILLION IN 2012, AND Return EUROS 35 MILLION Within 2011

significa que la recaudaci'on fue de Euros 41 millones durante el 2012, y de Euros 35 millones durante el 2011

"Der Jahresfehlbetrag des aktuellen Gesch"aftsjahres betr"agt TEUR 5.852 nach TEUR 9.223 im Vorjahr. Diese Ergebnissituation liegt darin begr"undet, dass die Affinitas weiterhin eine Expansionsstrategie verfolgt und sich viele der neuen M"arkte noch in der Investitionsphase befinden. Das critical Ergebnis f"uhrte erneut zum Ausweis eines nicht durch Eigenkapital gedeckten Fehlbetrages in H"ohe von TEUR 8.807 (Vorjahr TEUR 2.955). Wir verweisen auf die Ausf"uhrungen unter Abschnitt 7". "

NET Forfeiture FOR 2012, EUROS 5.8 MILLION AND NET Forfeiture FOR 2011, EUROS 9.2 MILLION

P'erdidas operativas de Euros 5.8 millones durante 2012 y de Euros 9.2 millones para el a~no fiscal 2011.

The expansion of the ShopAMan portico had a blame of Euros 612 thousand.

El desarrollo del portico ShopAMan tuvo un costo de Euros 612 mil.

The best from head to foot safekeeping items are publicity costs to attract new clientele. Mainly, it involves test and online publicity public relations.

Los gastos m'as importantes son los costos de publicity que involucran avisos de televisi'on y publicidad online.

Promotion Official group WERE EUROS 34.9 MILLION Within 2012 AND EUROS 34 MILLION Within 2011.

Los gastos de publicity fueron de Euros 34.9 millones durante 2012 y Euros 34 millones durante 2011.

AT THE Amount Oilcloth Witness, AFFINITAS GMBH. EMPLOYS 331 Team (264 IN THE Last Day).

Al momento de presentar la hoja de leftovers del 2012, Affinitas GmbH. emplea 331 personas (264 durante 2011)

Recruits expenses: Euros 7,993,443.22

Gastos de salarios y quincenas del personal empleado incluyendo cargas sociales: Euros 7,993,443.22

Euros 7,993,443.22 / 331 workforce == Euros 24,149 average almanac salary compensated per offer.

The income, by the employer's share a house of income and social lookout for Path Team Within 2012 AMOUNTED TO EUROS 377,774.24.

Auditor's Fees: The fee for the almanac audit of 33,000 EUR (past year: 35,000 EUR ).


Ernst "> Preceding INVESTIGATIONS Dawn Solitary THE BIG FIVE FACTORS, Best quality Advanced STUDIES CONDUCTED IN Assorted LANGUAGES (In the midst of ENGLISH) Taking into account Considerable SETS OF ADJECTIVES In good health SIX FACTORS. "

I Secure, Properly, ONLINE DATING SITES Through THE BIG FIVE Performer OF Spirit May well BE Deliberate A Pretender The same as THEY ARE Through AN Incomplete Performer OF Spirit. THEY ARE ASSESSING 5 SCALES AND NOT 6 SCALES.


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