Thursday, June 6, 2013

Counselling Or Nlp Therapy

Counselling Or Nlp Therapy
Why would you choose NLP therapy rather than counselling or psychotherapy?

Most clients I see in my practice bring up issues that could very well be treated via traditional therapy. Such as stress, anxiety, low self-esteem or even depression. In most cases, it only takes a few months for their symptoms or issues to be completely solved using integrative NLP and hypnotherapy processes. So how come it generally takes much longer with traditional therapy?

The main focus of counselling or psychotherapy sessions is on the issues. Where they come from, what caused them, what are the emotional roots as well as analysing the impacts they have in one's life. However, once you've done this work, where do you take it from there? How do you go from understanding the root causes and impact of your issues to solving them? Who has ever stopped smoking, lost significant amount of weight or cured a strong phobia by only talking about it?!

In my personal experience of counselling, after having analysed the ins and outs of the issues I've been often told "You can't solve your issues; You can only learn to live with them". And I strongly disagree. Those are beliefs that were appropriate perhaps in the early days of therapy, but nowadays, with the incredible development of new approaches and alternative therapies, I don't believe there is such thing as an impossibility to resolve an issue. Don't get me wrong, it might only be a belief, but at the end of the day, what is most useful? To believe you can't resolve your issues and you merely have to live with them and reduce the damages they have in your life, or actually believe there's a way to totally free yourself from them? I know what my clients who completely recovered from chronic fatigue, M.E or depression would say

Counselling and Psychotherapy can be very useful however. Sometimes people don't feel happy but they have no idea why. In those situations, it can be extremely helpful to get the support of a qualified therapist to shed light on what is causing those negative feelings. And most of the clients who walk into my practice actually already know the reasons of their uneasiness, whether they've done some previous therapy work or by analysing it themselves. Which makes our treatment much easier and faster than if we had to start from scratch.

However, analysing and understanding one's issue has never made it fully disappear. It's like saying that when my car broke down a few weeks ago, simply knowing that the clutch wasn't working any more because it was rusted was enough to magically make it work again. I obviously needed to do something about it, go to the garage who has THE TOOLS to repair the carand that's exactly what NLP provides. Once you understand where your issues come from, you need the tools to solve them. And NLP and hypnotherapy are among the most effective ones I've encountered to so such thing. Oh, and by the way, you don't need to spend years and years in therapy either to sort yourself out:-)



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