Wednesday, June 12, 2013

How To Hypnotize Someone A Treatise On Mind Control

How To Hypnotize Someone A Treatise On Mind Control
Hello, readers!

Eric Wolfe, again. If you follow us on Facebook, then you probably saw the article I shared from Psyblog about an experiment which demonstrated the ability to control another person's mind over the internet. The article, with a link to the experiment, is HERE, but allow me to summarize. A researcher wearing an EEG headset used his thoughts to transmit a signal over the internet. The subject, wearing an electromagnetic headset, received the signal in the form of an electromagnetic field over his motor cortex. The field drew electrical activity to the neurons responsible for moving his hand and finger.

Hence, researcher imagines moving his hand, subject's hand moves.

Now, to get the point, this is an exciting breakthrough, and one with a staggering potential for abuse. So I thought I would talk a bit about hypnosis and mind control, along with some thoughts about these kinds of technologies and their potential for abuse.

We'll start with the process for how to hypnotize someone.


When you set out to put someone in a state of hypnosis, the first thing you need is their ATTENTION.

You don't need ALL their attention, but you have to have at least a partially open communication channel. If someone can't detect you by their senses, you can't begin to hypnotize them. So you at least need enough attention that they can receive your communication.

In the case of the internet mind control experiment, it starts with the equipment. The open communication channel is represented by the headset worn by the subject. This allows the brain to "hear" the controlling signal. Without the equipment, there can be no Attention, and the message cannot be heard, the control cannot occur. In any extension of this technology, the presence of that electromagnet is what allows control to occur.

It follows, then, that to protect yourself from internet mind control technology, you avoid putting an electromagnet on your head. And to avoid being hypnotized, you simply close your communication channels to the message.

With hypnosis, this isn't always possible. You can turn off your sight by closing your eyes, but you can't just turn off your ears.

On a daily basis, we are presented with hundreds of attempts by others to hypnotize us. Movies, television, books, advertising, sales people, charities, beggars, politicians. The list goes on and on.

When you watch a television show, or a movie, the writers, directors, and actors, are working together to hypnotize you and draw you in to the premise of the movie. You want to be entertained, so you pay attention and make it easy for them.

With a commercial, or an advertisement, they're placed where you will be exposed to them. You don't necessarily WANT to pay attention, and you may even actively tune them out, but just by being aware, on some level, you are giving them attention.


Just getting your attention isn't enough to control your mind or hypnotize you. Your subconscious mind has an inherent defense mechanism. We call this the Critical Factor.

The critical factor exists to analyze the messages you receive, and classify them.

If someone yells "DUCK!" in the middle of a firestorm, you don't have time to think about it. Your critical factor says "SURVIVAL! DO IT!"

But if someone tells you they can sell you the Brooklyn Bridge for 50, your Critical Factor screams "SCAM COMING! FALSE INFORMATION!"

When you watch a movie, your Critical Factor goes, "Okay, I want to be entertained, so I'm going to pretend like this is all true, for a while."

That's called suspension of disbelief. And it builds on that initial attention, and pushes open the door to the hypnotic state where the movie becomes your world.

There are a huge number of techniques that hypnotists use to bypass the critical factor, utilizing different principles of psychology, and these are typically stacked upon one another in layers, to create an exponentially more powerful effect.

Of course, since the internet mind control technology works DIRECTLY on the neurons of the brain, and doesn't have to pass through perception, critical factor is not an issue.

When you don't WANT to go along with a hypnotic induction, the best way to prevent it is to understand these techniques and recognize them. This gives your Critical Factor a whole other set of "catches", where you can analyze the intent behind a hypnosis attempt, and determine how much you really want to go along with it.


At this point, you have essentially achieved a hypnotic state, and your subject is open to suggestion. But you don't set out to hypnotize someone without having a further goal, do you?

With advertising, this goal is for you to buy the product.

With movies, this goal is to give you an entertaining experience. To accomplish this, they create characters for you to identify with and relate to, and draw them through a series of experiences, evoking a sequence of emotions, and thoughts, to tell you a story that engages you for around 2 hours or so.

So, now that you've created a good receptive state, with minimal interference from the Critical Factor, and your subject is paying attention, your next step is to lead them to your goal.

This can be compared to guiding someone along a path. Let's say you're the advertiser, and you want to sell a product.

First, you have to start where your subject already is. Most advertisements start out with either a problem the product solves, or a benefit it grants. The problem or benefit should be something that is meaningful and relevant to the subject, otherwise, you're starting in the wrong place.

The same is true no matter what your goal. When you're creating a movie, you can assume that your audience has set out to watch a movie, and wants to be entertained. This makes it easy to find a starting point.

In negotiation, your subject wants to spend the least, to get the most, and you want the same thing for yourself.

Then, you create a step-by-step sequence that leads to the goal. The more you can anticipate the way your subject thinks, and the more you can relate YOUR goal, to what they ALREADY value and want, the easier the task is.

Again, there are a broad variety of tools employed by hypnotists to accomplish this.


The brain is an imminently controllable and programmable entity. When you were growing up as a child, you were learning culture, and behavior, and being programmed for how to live in your world.

Even language itself is a technology that can be used to control others.

NLP (and hypnosis) codifies these aspects of language and communication into a practically employable form.

Just like any technology, there is always the potential for abuse. I'll use the familiar nuclear example.

With nuclear technology, we get massive amounts of power from nuclear reactors. This provides huge benefit to us. Of course, they can explode if not handled with the appropriate care, and this can harm us. It also makes bombs.

We can't UNinvent nuclear technology, any more than we can UNinvent communication, and to try and outlaw it would mean that only outlaws could use it.

In the face of new technology, especially things as powerful as mind control, it's important to remember that you can't put the toothpaste back in the tube.

Our duty as the progenitors of these kinds of technologies and ideas, and as people who live in an age of technology, is to treat it with respect, to take aims to protect ourselves, the world we live in, and our future from the potential abuses of the technology.

Be educated, be safe, because Knowledge is Power.

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