Thursday, November 7, 2013

An Understanding Of Dreams

An Understanding Of Dreams
We spend over a third of our lives asleep and, according to scientists we enjoy between three and six dreams a night. Dreams are intensely personal experiences, known only to the dreamer unless they choose to share them with someone. They are visual experiences and often, mere words are not enough to convey the subtle nuances involved. We all have unique dreams woven from the threads of our conscious lives, our hopes, fears, memories and imagination. The power to interpret dreams has occupied the great and the good in every generation for centuries. In the distant past, dream interpreters could make themselves powerful and invaluable to princes and rulers, and today there are many books, magazines and websites devoted to understanding dreams.

Many ancient cultures set great store by their dreams and use them to influence their daily activities. For example; The ancient Chinese regarded dreams as the experiences of the soul, which went wondering while the body slept. A bit like an out-of-body experience. The Tibetan Book of the Dead, calls dreaming an intermediate stage between life and death, and many Tibetans believe that sleep is a necessary preparation for the inevitable. Dreams are important in Tibetan culture and many people believe they are vital to their spiritual health and growth. So for these people remembering dreams was a important skill to learn. One affective method of Tibetan dream recall is to imagine that there is a glowing blue sphere in your throat, which you place your desire to remember your dreams. Hold this powerful image in your mind as you fall asleep and with luck and practice, you will not forget your dreams on waking.

The Native American tribes also believed in the power of dreams and established rituals such as the 'Honoraria' where dreams were acted out before members of the tribe. Native Americans believed in the power of shamans to act as healers or diviners and interpreters of dreams. Native American tribes encourage children to remember their dreams from an early age and use 'dream catchers' to trap the evil spirits that might harm them when they sleep. Some African societies believe that dreams are sent by their ancestors to warn and advise them. So it is clear that dreams were held in great esteem, and were seen by many as a way in which they could interact with and receive messages from, the hidden world of spirit.

There are six basic kinds of dreams and often you will remember snatches from more then one type. The six basic dream themes are as follows:-

Clearing house dreams: These dreams clean out the input from the day; sorting out mental and emotional clutter; re-running experiences. These dreams begin the process of releasing useless concerns and integrating helpful ones. They help the body and mind to relax.

Teaching dreams: You usually have one important teaching dream a night. This gives you information on problems you are facing, or shows you a higher teaching from advanced levels. This maybe from 'the higher self' or from the 'universal mind' or a wise advanced soul in spirit, sometimes referred to as a 'spirit guide' or 'ascended master'. This can take the form of a classroom setting, or walking with a teacher in beautiful, ethereal place.

Problem solving dreams: These are dreams you have programmed or asked for. This can be done by repeating in your mind several times the problem you have and wish to resolve, or the insight you need to deal with a difficult decision or relationship dilemma, before going to sleep. Learning how to programe your dreams and ask for guidance, is a valuable inner resource.

Precognitive dreams: This type of dream will give you a glimpse of something in the future. Precognition means 'forewarning'. There is a special sense or feeling that comes with precognitive dreams. As you learn to recognise this and understand it. You will begin to recognise what images are symbolic and which ones are literal precognitive events. This is a psychic level, phenomena.

Prophetic or Visionary dreams: This type of dream comes from the highest level of the soul. It is a message from God or The God Self, and concerns spiritual growth. It comes from the mystical level of awareness. It may have a personal message for you, or it may be a universal truth for mankind. As you become more 'dream aware', you will learn to recognise the differences.

Outside interference dreams: This type of dream is produced when something in your physical environment is causing enough of a disturbance to become incorporated into your dream story. For example, you may feel very hot in your dream, and you wake to find you have pulled your quilt right over you and have literally become too hot. Or you may have left the television switched on and there is a film playing. I know of a lady who having taken an afternoon nap, dreamt she was being chased by a wicked witch. As she woke, heart racing and feeling frightened, she realised one of her children and been watching the 'Wizard Of Oz' on the television and had wondered off leaving it switched on. The phone ringing, a dog barking in the distance. All these things can bleed into the dream state. When this happens, it is unlikely that the dream will have any special significance for you.

Your dreams are a rich source of insight, guidance and spiritual truths. Dreams help you to see yourself as you really are; your true inner beauty and potential; Where you are both missing and getting the lessons that life is showing you. Understanding your personal dream symbols, will help you to look at the very thought patterns, that are governing your life. Your dreams can take you to a higher level of consciousness and understanding, which has the power to transform your life and your world. Ultimately, you the dreamer knows exactly what it is that your dreams are trying to tell you; The answers lie within!


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