Tuesday, August 4, 2009

How To Find Out If He Is Mr Right

How To Find Out If He Is Mr Right
Have you ever wondered if he is Mr. Right? You might have been together for many years and have enjoyed life. But sometime you might think if he really is the person I have meant to be with for the rest of my life. It is not a bad idea to think about it at all and sort it out without letting him know. I found a very nice article about this subject. Here is an effective exercise which is explained in this article.

The ultimate goal of this exercise is to determine if your partner has more pros than cons. The process is very easy. You need to give a thought to your relationship a few times a week and write down all the pros and cons about him. What you love about him and what annoys you about him. The week after it is time for you to decide if these items that you have listed are really important issues or are some minor problems along the way. If you are 100% sure that they are not important then you cross them off the list. You go back to your list and try to do this process all over again during the second week.
At the end of second week you have a complete list of your partner pros and cons. Now conclusion is very easy. If the list of his pros is so long and the cons too short then you are at the right spot. Otherwise you need to give a second thought to this relationship or try to fix it.
The source article is from a Persian girls and men dating site and so is customized for them. I think as Persian girls are more sensitive and emotional, which is good at its own place, it is more important to make sure sooner than later if this person is the right one for them. Otherwise all of a sudden an Iranian woman might find herself caught in the middle of a break up.
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